Our first trip to the village

Instructed by Marcus to bring the rather ambiguous items of baby wipes, and a packet of biscuits on our first trip to the village, we both were unsure as to what we were going to experience over the coming four days.

We were to help with the ongoing HYT 1Village project at Kimenyulo Primary School alongside 6 trainees, Freddo (HYT’s head trainer) and Musa (deputy head trainer). 

As we arrived on site, we were pleased to see that work was already well on its way. A new classroom block had already been built and plastered, whilst work on a new kitchen, and a water tank (which our predecessors Tristan and Freddie had raised money towards with their 20km run in July) was ongoing and looking promising.

We were first introduced to the teachers and headmistress of Kimenyulo, who all proved to be truly happy for the help of HYT. One teacher in particular stood out to us, Irene. After Florence had told her that Irene shared the same name as her grandmother back home, she quickly 'adopted' both of us as her grandchildren and fed us copious amounts of chai and unfamiliar fruit and veg!

Then the work began. We had been tasked with painting the new classroom block, 'hand in hand' - as Musa had described it - with other local trainees. Whilst we were painting, we found that an audience of students was gradually growing outside the door and windows. They were transfixed at the sight of two girls doing manual labour. The headmistress Elizabeth had later explained to us that this was not common in the area, and that she was tremendously pleased that her students were seeing this - she even picked up a paintbrush herself and helped out on a couple of walls, in her smart suit and heels!

Over the next two months we are both looking forward to seeing the work at Kimenyulo develop, and also to work at other HYT projects. We have both decided that aside from promoting the Haileybury Youth Trust, the main thing that we personally hope to achieve during our time here is to make the prospect of girls doing hard manual labour and various other male dominated tasks, less of a spectacle, and instead a ordinary and feasible thing to all the students at Kimenyulo.

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