Time for a New Village...

We have just started our second week in Kizzigo area where we will train 8 local young men in ISSB block making and construction whilst providing much needed community building features in the area.

Senior 2 and 3 students in Kizzigo's oldest classroom.

Primary school children in the neighbouring school. HYT plan to build a double classroom block in place of this. This will provide them with a cleaner and cooler learning environment.

The kitchen at Kizzigo Secondary School. The ladies here cook for over 250 students on an open fire. HYT will provide energy saving stoves in the new kitchen unit so that the money used daily to buy firewood can be allocated to more productive areas of education.

Young girls going to the bore-hole to collect water in Kikube Primary school. The trainees will build a 10 or 20 thousand litre water tank in the school grounds which will mean girls like these will have more time to learn.

On behalf of all our beneficiaries, the HYT Uganda team would like to thank everyone who attended the Frugal Ball on Saturday as well as those have already been supporting our work. There are now hundreds of Ugandan children, teenagers and young adults who have greatly benefited from new physical facilities or the ISSB masonry training we have been able to provide.